
以金砖国家领导人第十四次会晤和第五届金砖国家媒体高端论坛召开为契机举办的第四届金砖国家媒体联合摄影展,以“发展大道 金色未来”为主题,集纳金砖国家主流媒体的摄影精品,以独特视角讲述金砖国家合作机制秉持开放、包容、合作、共赢理念,推动共同发展的生动故事。

With the theme of “Golden Future for Development”, the 4th BRICS Media Joint Photo Exhibition is held on the occasion of the 14th BRICS Summit and the 5th BRICS Media Forum, bringing together the best photographs from the mainstream media of BRICS countries to tell the vivid stories of the BRICS cooperation mechanism upholding the principles of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win, and promoting common development from a unique perspective.
